Prominent Businessman Mian M. A. Shahid Elected Chairman of Apna Micro Finance Bank Ltd.

Former Chairman Apna Microfinance Bank Limited Mr. Qamar Zaman presenting bouquet to Mian M. A. Shahid on being elected the new Chairman
Lahore (Commerce Reporter): The Chairman of United International Group, and a renowned businessman, Mian M.A. Shahid has been elected as Chairman of Apna Micro Finance Bank Limited in 75th Board Meeting held on 23.09.2016 at Lahore.
The Meeting was Presided over by then Chairman Qamar Zaman and the Board of Directors unanimously elected Mian Muhammad Akram Shahid as a Chairman for the next three years.
Mian M.A. Shahid is the prominent business figure of the country and a Chairman of United International Group, comprises of the fourth largest insurance company of Pakistan, The United Insurance Company of Pakistan Ltd., United Track System (Pvt) Ltd. United Software and technologies international, Tawasul Healthcare TPA (Pvt.) Ltd and others. Under the leadership of M.A.Shahid UIG group also look after various Companies outside Pakistan mainly Tawasul in Abu Dhabi, Euro City Insurance Co Ltd in Cyprus. Alba Insurance Corredor-DMCC, in Dubai and Union Insurance Brokers working in Ankara, Turkey. Mian M. A. Shahid also look after SPI Insurance Company Limited another Insurance growing day by day who has been recently awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Governor of Punjab for his valuable services in the field of business. After his election, Mian M. A. Shahid thanked all the Directors. On this occasion he expressed his resolve that he would use best of his abilities to take all possible measures for bank operation, its expansion and in the interest of the consumers and swiftly expand the scope of the Bank in order to take it to the maximum grass root level so that job opportunities are created through micro-financing for alleviating poverty and raising awareness. He also expressed his optimism that in the times to come Apna Bank Limited will play its positive role for the betterment of the country’s economy.
On this occasion all the Board members appreciated the measures and efforts taken by the outgoing chairman Mr. Qamar Zaman and hoped that the new chairman will also perform his duties with same zeal and commitment. At the end of the event, retiring Chairman Qamar Zaman and other directors presented a bouquet to the newly elected chairman Mian M.A. Shahid.